Tuesday, August 09, 2005

On our walk today, Milo and Rover had some adventures. First, a little girl tried to lick Rovy. This was very confusing, mainly because Rover is the champion Licker Of The World and his title was challenged. Rover decided the only way to maintain his dignity was to exercise one of his other talents: he burped loudly at the next person he saw. Later, Milo stepped in a huge wad of bright blue gum... with two feet. She just had a bath this morning. We were also attacked by three Chiwawas on three separate occasions. Chiwawas'nt very nice. If I had a Chiwawa it would be named Pickles McGee and he would be chill. He would also wear a studded collar that would match the sweater I knit for him. I would also be forced to become single.

It has been chilly lately but I actually love it. The fog lingers around longer in the mornings and the air smells like fall. I would usually be pouting about such un-flip-flop-friendly weather but I think I could get used to this. Apparently I won't have time to get used to it because September here is really hot. I personally hope it is also humid.


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